Kenosha, Racine, and Walworth Counties working together to educate about the hazards of tobacco use and second-hand smoke, promote cessation, and support youth in choosing a tobacco-free life.
E-Cigarettes: What We Should All Know
Programs & Initiatives

Wisconsin Wins
The Wisconsin Wins (WI Wins) campaign is a science-based, state-level initiative designed to decrease youth access to tobacco and nicotine products. Our partnerships with local law enforcement agencies and businesses create healthier communities. We conduct annual tobacco retailer compliance checks and provide retail employee education and training about the tobacco sales law. Free online training and certification for tobacco retailer employees is available at

Clear Gains
Clear Gains, Wisconsin’s smoke-free housing initiative, assists property owners, managers and residents create healthier, safer multi-unit housing environments. Our Clear Gains resources can be customized to meet the specific needs of a building, property and residents. These resources include model lease addendum language, policy implementation timeline, enforcement tips and resident tobacco education and prevention presentations. Smoke-free multi-unit housing has popular, profitable, legal, and healthy living benefits for all.

The tobacco industry spends an estimated $155.8 million in Wisconsin on marketing each year. WRAP (Wisconsin Retail Assessment Project) is focused on uniformly collecting data in the retail environment and using the information to tell a story of how exposure to tobacco advertising, placement and price discounts impacts the people in our communities.

Candidate Education
KRW Tobacco-Free Coalition provides candidate education on the lasting health impacts of tobacco products use. Our goal is to ensure that candidates representing our communities are educated and can guide legislature that helps improve the lives of people in our community.